Rape Doesn't make you more of a man

Talking and picturising everything about moons,stars and dreamy world surely makes me a poet
But today I want the girl inside me to do the talks
I won't use heavy words to make it any typical poetry
My heart bleeds while writing this piece but is that all I'm allowed to do?
Another 8 years molested,wait last time i heard was 11 months
The one who doesn't even properly understand what Vagina means was torned apart
The lovely floral skirt cried and the diaper couldn't even scream
Is this the world we are heading to?Is this the place we deserve to live for?
I ask for how long men will prove their manhood by tearing us apart?
Is your manhood so low that it needs to be proved by bringing down our self respect?
Is your physical strength so weak that it knows only how to break down those soft walls mercilessly and destroy our world shamelessly?
Why being raped is a sin for a girl and called a victim?
Trust me No dress decides to be raped,it's the thought process of the rapist.
If ever my words could reach the “to be rapist or the rapist”,I ask think of yourself how would u feel if your mother was raped and u were an outcome of that?If your sister was raped and all you could do was to hide her face?Now does it shake ur soul?Does quenching your thirst of manhood forcibly make you more of a man?
No it proves you are “No more of a man”.


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