Our soldiers,our pride

My heart rips off into pieces when I talk of our martyred soldiers of armed forces.
I had tears while writing this small piece and we can’t even imagine the pain of the families which go through all such.
Salute to our soldiers,our Military Forces which assures us to sleep in peace and live in harmony.
When all a mother wanted was to ask him,”beta you had your lunch?”,”you had your sleep well?”,
When all she wanted was him to hug him tight once he returns from battle field,
But he never returned.
When all a Father wanted was to pat his back and bless him with his choicest blessings,
When all he wanted,that he couldn’t ever express,was how proud father he was to have him as his son,
But he never returned.
When all a wife wanted was to tell her husband,how badly she had missed him,drenching her pillow every night,
When all she wanted was to share those lovely moments of their toddler growing up,
But he never returned.
When all her daughter wanted was to ride a piggyback on her father’s back,
When all she wanted was to show off her dad in her school with lots of badges on his dress
But he never returned.
He never returned because he lived for his motherland,
He loved his nation’s prior to any other love.
Armed forces life doesn’t promise you bed roses,but it surely assures you to die in honor.
The respect this life provides, coupled with the privilege of serving our country provides a feeling that no other seven-figure-pay-package job can.
You live in Pride ,You die in Pride!!


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