Ever Loved a Storyteller ¿¿

There comes a pain in my chest and I'm feeling so restless,running out of breaths and it feels as if someone just lifted his heavy sack of pains on my chest.
Wait it isn't some heart attack no just relax it's the prerequisites of writing a heart wrenching story.
It's about the feelings a writer usually encounters before penning down something which stings his heart,which makes him feel everything again and same the way he felt on the day everything slipped through his fist.
The very day he wanted to grasp her so badly but everything spilled.
Beans of hatred spilled over their hearts and what was left were only bitter words piercing right through their veins giving a stinging feeling.
Well where i was,sorry I was lost back,so I'm going to tell you today how it feels like loving a “storyteller”,Well you must have heard who they are,right?
You read a short story of around 1000 words and got inspired,why?coz it had few motivating words and of all it was a real life incident..
Along with motivation you felt a little sad when a word like “hit me,”pain” came up or wait may be a bit happy when he said “The man was healed”.
This is what storytellers let us do,make us feel through words what they felt through their eyes.
I am hoping you are clear about what it is being a novelist and a storyteller.
So when you fall in love with a storyteller(which was the topic of our discussion and we pretty much deviated from),you are actually dealing with a spoiled child of heaven or hell should i say.
These are very emotional people,trust me when I say this.
They have all the emotions in the world and the best part is they know how to let you feel them!!
They try to find a story from everything their eyes catches upon and if they fail to find they make one out of it.
They love reciting things and you actually fall in love  the way they define the beauty of things.
Just have a pause and pay attention to my words,you fall in love with “their ways” and confuse it with falling in love with “them”.
Yes,they are the mirrors to this society,undoubtedly appreciable.
They reflect what they see,but you what about the one who fell in this trap.
Now let me tell you why you are in a trap?
You talk,now you love to talk more ,why?
Coz you have pretty much stuff to hear about, dripping from their mouth as flawlessly as honey.
You love spending time,more talks,more walks,more exploring the city and what not people mad in love do.
You  finally get into things and each moment feels precious,since you felt special,you thought that person wanted you to listen to him out of some love but no.
He just wanted you to listen,that's it no more reasons.
But wait then why he was there with you all along?
Here comes the bitter truth,he was searching just another story out of you,told you he is a storyteller.
Did you give him enough stuff to pour on paper,or did he drained everything out of the stories of your life and now you are all empty inside?
He is a wanderer,a nomad,who won't stay at a place ever,coz that makes him restless.
He is a master of the world of stories he create and whenever he runs out of them,he actually runs away from that place.
Those places,these people,that job (which no more excites him),he escapes.
Escaping to quench his never ending thirst!!
And yes well about you who fell in love with this nomadic storyteller,”I wish you luck darling,I hope now you know how to write one!!”


  1. Awesome and very true. It reminded me, how i feel when you mentioned "we actually fall in love with the way they define the beauty of things" .

    1. Thanku😊
      Well all they love is "defining things" ;)


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